User notifications in LAVA

Users can receive notifications containing information about submitted test jobs and the accompanying results by using settings in job definition yaml. Users can also compare the job results within notifications against previous results which satisfy certain conditions.

The basic setup of the notify block in job definitions will have criteria, verbosity, recipients and compare blocks.

  • Criteria tells the system when the notifications should be sent.

  • verbosity will tell the system how detailed the email notification should be.

  • Criteria can be set by job status (running, complete, incomplete, canceled) and the type (regression, progression). There is a special status of ‘finished’, which will match any of (complete, incomplete, canceled).

The basic email template includes job details, device details and results, based on the level of verbosity (verbose, quiet, status-only). verbose level job information will only be included if the job finished as complete or incomplete, not when the job was canceled.

Notification recipients

The method and destination of each notification can be set for each recipient. Currently, two notification methods are supported, email and IRC.

Recipients can be specified using the LAVA username or in full.

If the recipients section is omitted in the notify block, the system will send an email to the job submitter only, provided the criteria is satisfied, and there is no callbacks section.

If the user is configured as a placeholder “{LAVA_DEVICE_OWNER}” as next, the system will send an email to the physical owner of the device on which the job ran.

  - to:
     method: email
     user: "{LAVA_DEVICE_OWNER}"

Notification callbacks

In addition to sending email and IRC messages to recipients, the system can send multiple URL callback actions. This will do a GET or POST request to the specified URL in the callbacks subsection. This can be used to trigger some action remotely. If a callback uses the POST request, the system will attach job data as described below. The callbacks section supports list of the following options:

  • url The URL for the request. This also supports field value substitution, i.e. in{ID}/{STATUS} id and status will be replaced with corresponding values from the job.

  • method GET or POST

  • token This option is used to supply the API token of the authenticated user, appended as the POST request parameter. If the submitting user has an XMLRPC auth token with a description that matches this field, that token is returned instead. The token is included in the Authorization header.

  • header In case token is defined this option gives possibility to define custom header to be used instead of Authorization.

  • dataset This option specifies style of data that the system will provide in the callback. It applies only for the POST request. The format of the data and possible options are as following:

    • minimal This will provide basic job info such as job id, status, submit_time, start_time, end_time, submitter_username, submitter_email, failure_comment, priority, description, actual_device_id, definition, health_check and metadata.

    • logs In addition to minimal data this will also attach the job log output in the url encoded format

    • results In addition to minimal data this will also attach the job results as a list of test suites exported in yaml format.

    • all In addition to minimal data this will include both the logs and results datasets as described above.

  • content-type This option is used to determine how the POST data is submitted:

    • urlencoded (Default) Will return a standard HTTP POST request, with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type header and data sent as an urlencoded query string.

    • json The data is dumped into JSON and returned with a Content-Type: application/json header.

Example callback usage:

    status: finished
    - url: https://my-url/callback
      method: GET
    - url: https://remote-site/callback/lava?status={STATUS}&status_string={STATUS_STRING}
      method: POST
      dataset: all
      token: ci-callback
      content-type: json

Debugging notification callbacks

The job data can also be retrieved using the REST API (which supports authentication). For example:

$ wget -O job_data.gz http://localhost/scheduler/job/2126/job_data

$ wget -O job_data.gz "http://localhost/scheduler/job/2127/job_data?user=neil&token=22yj3ls...."

Returns a gzip file containing the job data as JSON.


Only test jobs which are configured to use the notification callback will create notification callback data for later retrieval. Other jobs will generate a 404 error.

Using profile settings

LAVA users can configure the IRC settings or email address in their own profile data in the instance. This allows the recipient to be specified using only the LAVA username.


Direct listing of recipients

If the user has not configured their own profile data, the recipient details must be specified in full.

Examples for user vs manual addressing:

  - to:
     method: irc
     user: neil.williams
  - to:
     method: irc
     handle: codehelp
  - to:
     method: email
     user: neil.williams
  - to:
     method: email

IRC and email notifications use different templates since emails allow for more verbosity, so some options which are present in the notify block for email recipients do not apply for IRC recipients, like comparing options and verbosity.

Result comparison in notifications

Users can use notifications to compare the job status against the last few jobs and also compare job results, like test case/suites difference. The notification will report if there are new test cases compared to previous test jobs, if there are some missing and how the said results differ.

Which test jobs the current one is compared to is determined by the LAVA Queries system, where those previous jobs will be taken from the query specified in the notification block. Custom queries (Query by URL) can also be specified.

Blacklisting test cases is also an option. Ignoring some of the test cases in the comparing section of the notification is possible through an option in the notification block.

Here are some comparing setup examples from test definition excerpts:

  - to:
     method: email
     user: neil.williams
    status: finished
  verbosity: verbose
      name: query_name
      username: query_owner
    blacklist: [lava, singlenode-advanced]
  - to:
     method: email
     user: neil.williams
    status: finished
  verbosity: verbose
      entity: testjob
        submitter: stevan.radakovic
        requested_device_type: qemu
    blacklist: [singlenode-advanced]